
High-Speed Bowl/Rod Basin

These brushes are flled with abrasive nylon and are verysuitable for deburring highly profiled parts with-out damagng component surface. Uurlng use new abraSIYe gntsare contlnousiv exposed so glvIng optimum abrasiveperformance under all circum-stances.

Product inquiry
High-Speed Bowl/Rod Basin

Product details

Dimensions Number of bundles Rod diameter/thread Aperture Steel wire Maximum speed
D T —— G B 0.35mm 0.5mm ——
mm mm —— —— —— Item No. Item No.
High-Speed Bowl          
45 20 —— 1/4”(6mm) —— —— —— 13000
55 20 —— 1/4”(6mm) —— —— —— 13000
65 22 —— 1/4”(6mm) —— —— —— 11000
75 25 —— 1/4”(6mm) —— —— —— 11000
Dimensions   Rod diameter Aperture Cop per-plated wire Grey silk Maximum speed
D A T P B —— 0.3mm 0.3mm ——
mm mm mm —— —— —— Item No. Item No
Rod Basin            
100 12 20 1/4”(6mm) —— —— 600010-3708 600110-3708 4500


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Product inquiry

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